So often people ask "How do I stop my dog from pulling on leash!
Loose Leash walking is one of the hardest skills to teach and one of the most important things to teach our dogs and puppies besides a good recall. Outings with your dog or a trip to the vet is no fun being dragged around and having those shoulder wrenching moments.
This workshop is suitable for dogs 4+ months of age who have either been through our Manners Program or equivalent training elsewhere. During this workshop series we will work on improving the conversation at both ends of the leash. We have put together some great foundational games and then expand on these.
Next Workshop Spring 2025 TBA
Private coaching always available for Leash Walking.
One of the most important things to teach when training your dog is a reliable recall.
Your dog's life may depend on it! Teaching Recall can be fun for both ends of the leash!
Dogs that are trained to come reliably when called get more freedom and more time with you. This worskshop series will help you develop a reliable recall and provide inspiration for games to play long after the workshop has ended!
Suitable for dogs who have been through our Manners Program or have had similar training.
Class size is limited. Next Workshop Spring 2025 TBA this workship usually sells out.
Private coaching always available.
Starting with 1 to 1 private dog training will help form management and training strategies for success specific to your situation. Each dog is a unique individual. We are always refining our skills to help dogs be more successful.
Please contact us with your specific concerns for personalized training and management plans.
The arena has great footing, lots of space and is well lit. Dress for the weather.
Water is available during the green seasons.
Bring a hungry dog, their previous meal as rewards and some 'oh wow' treats.
You are welcome to use the trails at the farm but please check in for directions and to ensure you don't bump into other users.
Thanks for the tip you gave on diverting Harry's attention from the cars. Now I'm even able to distract him from a school bus with the command - buses were one of his really big triggers. My arm isn't so stressed from all the sudden lunges. Very much appreciated. I'm almost looking forward to spring when all the boats on trailers reappear. We'll be in much better shape to deal with them hopefully! Deb T and Harry the Border Collie.